Gay men underwear sexy

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You can play on the Wild West fantasy with denim western chaps, or try the Gregg Homme snake print boxer briefs for a designer classic. The faux suede fringe thong by Gregg Homme is perfect for any guy that’s into the buns-out cheeky look. The top two choices that a majority of men selected were “leather/bondage underwear” and “no underwear, just jeans”, which both tied as the top sexiest looks.ĭespite these poll findings, if you already know what your partner wants you can actually find all of these underwear styles on. 10% of men agreed “flaming thongs” were the hottest underwear, which was followed by 20% of men that chose “designer boxer briefs”. The least popular was themed, costume-style undergarments designed after professions, like cops, cowboys, etc.

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Gay clothing site, Differio, recently ran an online survey asking gay men which underwear they preferred to see their ideal man wearing.

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